Dominic Harrison
Dominic Harrison, M.Ed., is a Deaf Black doctorate candidate from the department of Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies under the College of Education and Human Sciences at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM. He is a secondary social studies teacher at New Mexico School for the Deaf. His research interests are critical race theory, intersectionality, dis/ability critical race theory, and multicultural teaching and learning strategies in the secondary classroom. He loves to travel the world to try new food and learn various cultures and sign languages.
Saturday 22nd July
Racial Attitudes in Deaf Culture, Language, & Community
Abstract: In the presentation, we will explore the various types of racial attitudes that were affected the Deaf culture, language, and community by deaf people. In addition to this, we will explore the intersectionality concepts in Deaf culture, language, and community. We will examine the types of racial attitudes and unpack them to reduce any racial attitudes in our Deaf communities across the United States of America.